Now the third root cause of our differences with the scholars of Deoband is also
before you. You have now to decide 3 things, with justice.
Firstly, do you agree with the above mentioned verdicts issued by the Deobandi scholars, or not.
Secondly, are these verdicts contrary to the lawful traditions and customs
practised in the Muslim world, or not.
And thirdly, is the religious and social system of our Muslim society harmed by
these verdicts or not.
If yes, and surely yes, then according to these verdicts, is the entire Muslim
society involved in forbidden acts from dawn to dusk ?? And if so, where does
our Islamic society stand ??
This is the stage where you have to draw a line between the scholars of Deoband
and that of Bareilly - and you must arrive at the conclusion that all the
efforts of the Deobandi scholars were directed at proving that the entire Muslim
society, each and every member of it, was a sinner - whereas the efforts of the
Ahle Sunnah Bareillvi scholars was to prove that unless an act is explicitly
forbidden by Allah or the Holy Prophet (),
then no one has the right to forbid it. Terming the ethical and religious
customs upon which the Muslim society is built, as forbidden (Haram) is a
clear deviation from proven facts and an open enmity with the Muslims.
If my readers adopt a fair stance, they will have to
admit that all the efforts of the Ahle Sunnah Bareillvi scholars are in support
of majority of the Muslim Ummah, whereas those of the Deobandi scholars
are directed against it.
Can there be a greater ingratitude other than taking those who are hell bent
upon attacking and ruining us, as our greatest well-wishers – whereas on the
other hand to deem those who have put their lives and status in danger for us,
as our greatest enemies ??
The purpose of clarifying the foundations of our differences, up to what I have written until now, is that the readers may clearly understand the nature of differences, and may not attribute our anger, frustration and separation for any other reason.
If the assault of the insolent pen of Deoband was on us, there could have been
plenty of ways for forgiveness and reconciliation. But the fact is that they
tried to harm the honour of the Holy Prophet (),
and have thereby caused suffering to Allah and His Holy Prophet (
– and so the decision regarding them will come from these sources.
We do not have any direct relationship with any scholar - it is through the
means of the Holy Prophet ().
When someone severs his relationship with the Holy Prophet (
then the question our having a relation with him does not arise. Rather the
spirit of loyalty towards the Holy Prophet (
demands from us that as long as we live, we shall not only have our relations
severed with such blasphemers, but shall continue our struggle of keeping each
and every Muslim away from them.
The history of our differences will remain incomplete if we do not narrate here
the charges that the Deobandi scholars have levelled against us. The most
important blame on us is that we have termed their learned and worthy scholars
as infidels and we have been very bold and careless in giving the verdict of
infidelity, and furthermore that we have been very biased and fanatical in our
In defence, we only wish to state that the verdict of
infidelity mentioned in our book "Hussaam-ul-Haramain" (The Sword of the
Two Holy Sanctuaries), for the charge of insulting the Holy Prophet (),
and on the charge of denial of tenets of Islam, has been given against ONLY 5
(five) persons - and the verdict has been upheld and attested by the then
scholars of Mecca and Medina, and other cities of the Arab world.
Of those five, four are the very same elders from the Deobandi School (the
blasphemous writings of whom are detailed above) and the fifth person is the
great liar and impostor Gulam Ahmed Qadiani.
So henceforth, if someone supports the blasphemous writings of any one of the 5
mentioned above, he will himself be responsible for the consequences and the due
punishment. The scholars of Bareilly are not interested in unnecessarily
expelling anyone from the fold of Islam. By supporting the blasphemous and
insolent writings and disrespect of the Holy Prophet (),
it is they themselves who make arrangements for their own ruin in this life and
in the hereafter. It is absolutely ridiculous to blame anyone else for it.
A Point To Remember
Here, an important matter needs to be explained. A non-Muslim, after his recitation of the Kalema and acceptance of faith and Islam, should be considered a Muslim – and likewise it is necessary that if any Muslim commits blasphemy (Allah forbid), he should be considered an infidel – this is a fundamental rule.
The Ahle Sunnah Bareillvi scholars had to fulfil this unpleasant obligation
under specific conditions – and similarly the Deobandi scholars have not lagged
far behind. As a proof, please read the letter of Maulvi Amin Ahmed Islahi,
extracted from his famous book "Hakeem-ul-Ummah" written by Maulvi Abdul
Majeed Daryabadi. This letter was written at the time when Maulvi Islahi was the
Chief Administrator of Madrasahe Islah, in Sarae Meer, District
Azamgarh, India. The following extract from the letter is worth reading:
“The verdict given by Maulana (Ashraf Ali) Thanvi that - 'Maulvi Shibli Nomani
and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi are infidels, and since the Madrassah is the
mission of these two individuals, it follows that the Madrassahe Islah is
a teaching place of infidelity and hypocrisy - to the extent that even the
scholars who attend its public meetings are also infidels and faithless’ - has
now been published.”
Upon receiving this letter, Maulvi Abdul Majeed Daryabadi (a disciple and caliph
of Maulvi Thanvi) wrote a detailed letter as a confidante to Maulvi Thanvi in
which he referred to the piety, intense worship and “Tahajjud” prayers of
Maulvi Shibli Nomani and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi, as proofs of their Islam. His
aim was to convey that the verdict of infidelity against these two prominent
pious persons could not be easily accepted. The reply he received from Maulvi
Thanvi was as follows:
"All these are deeds - and beliefs are quite apart
from them. It is possible for wrong deeds to combine with correct faith and
beliefs, and the opposite is also possible." (Hakeem-ul-Ummah - page 476)
The only possible inference from the above reply of Maulvi Thanvi is, that despite Maulvi Shibli Nomani’s and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi’s fame, knowledge and piety, the decree of infidelity issued by Maulvi Thanvi against the two is correct. In order to prove that Maulvi Ashraf Ali Thanvi was correct in issuing such a verdict, his devotees and fans will resort to the interpretation that surely Maulvi Thanvi must have seen or noticed some act of infidelity (in writing or in speech) in these two Maulvis - without a solid reason based on Shariah, he would surely not have issued a verdict of infidelity.
Now if we apply the same principle on Mr. Thanvi and
other scholars of Deoband, then it transpires that the verdict of infidelity
issued against them by the scholars of the 2 holy cities, is also NOT unfounded.
They also had solid reasons based on the Shariah for terming them
infidels, the details of which you have read in the earlier pages.
If the fame and piety of Maulvi Shibli Nomani and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi could
not save them from being termed infidels, then has some special revelation
descended from the sky which exempts these elders of the Deobandi school from
being termed infidels, despite their being guilty of blasphemy and disrespect of
the Holy Prophet ()
One of the charges levelled against us by the Deobandi scholars is that we have
been very biased and fanatical in our views. At this juncture, it will be most
appropriate to show them their own face in the mirror, so that they may think
before they point a finger at anyone else !!
B1) The first example of Deobandi extremism.
You have just read in the previous paragraphs the verdict given by Maulvi Ashraf Ali Thanvi which was as follows:
'Maulvi Shibli Nomani and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi are infidels - and since the
Madrassah (Islah) is the mission of only these two individuals, it
follows that the Madrassahe Islah is a teaching place of infidelity and
hypocrisy - to the extent that even the scholars who attend its public meetings
are also infidels and heretics.'
Now you can yourself decide - can there be fanaticism beyond that ??
B2) Second Example of Deobandi Fanaticism.
Maulvi Thanvi is such an extremist in his views that he does not allow his devotees and fans to even read the books of the persons he considers heretics. An extract from the book "Kamalate-Ashrafia" (A collection of Maulvi Thanvi's sayings etc.,) is as follows:
“If a person from an astray sect talks about religion, there is always evil
hidden in it. Their writings also contain evil hidden within, therefore one
should never keep their company and never ever read their books.” (Kamalate-Ashrafia
- page 55)
Now please be fair with us - if we adopt the same strict attitude towards those
whom we consider infidels because of their denial of the necessities of faith
and disrespect of the Holy Prophet (),
we are reproached. Why should we not be allowed the same privilege that the
Shariah allows them ??
B3) Another Example of Deobandi Extremism.
Those who are aware of the history of Nadwah, know that the elders of the Deobandi school were against its very formation. To the extent that when the principle of Nadwah Maulvi Mohammed Ali Mongeree went to invite Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi to attend its yearly conference, he not only declined to accept the invitation, but also refused to meet Maulvi Mongeree. When Maulvi Mongeree insisted that if Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi could not attend the conference, he should allow any of his men to attend on his behalf, Maulvi Gangohi's reply was:
“It has been made known to me that it (Nadwah) does not have a good ending. I
therefore cannot permit any of my men to attend on my behalf.” (Tazkerat-ur-Rasheed
Vol. 2 page 205).
“It does not have a good ending” – there cannot be better proof of this ILHAM
(revelation) other than the fact that Nadwah is now under the control of the
Deobandis !!
And the horrible picture of its ending will become clearer if you keep its
beginning in sight.
Learned people know that Shibli Nomani occupied an important place amongst the
founders of “Nadwah”. One of his articles has been published in the sixth volume
of “Makalate Shibli”. He wrote this article at a time when there was some
misunderstanding between him and the principal of Nadwah. Gradually, the
differences rose to such an extent that the students went on strike in support
of Shibli. The excerpt is as follows:
“When the crisis was at its peak, the time of Mawlid Shareef arrived and
the students wanted to celebrate it according to their yearly routine - but
knowing that I (Shibli) would speak on the occasion of Mawlid Shareef,
they were prevented from it. At last some people intervened and persuaded him
(the principal) that if Mawlid Shareef celebration was not permitted,
there will be widespread anger in the city. So under this compulsion, the
celebration of Mawlid Shareef was allowed, but under various conditions
and restrictions.” (Makalate Shibli – Vol. 6. Page 131)
But can the Mawlid Shareef celebration be held
in the courtyard of Dar-ul-Uloom Nadwah in this age ??
Is the trend of celebrating Mawlid Shareef still prevalent among the
students of Nadwah ?? No. Because Nadwah has now been usurped by Deobandis.
Just think !! That was the beginning and this is the end – and strangely enough,
note that the “Ilham” of Maulvi Rasheed Gangohi relates only with its
“evil” end – not with the beginning !!
Yet Another Example Of Deobandi Fanaticism.
have read one example of the fanaticism of Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi. Now
please read one more example of his extremism and stubbornness.
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