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Comments of Imams on the Celebration of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (Peace Be On Him)
1. Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Suyuti in his famous book "Al-Hawii Lil-Fatawii" allocated a special chapter on that topic and named it "The Excellence of Objective in Celebrating the Mawlid" where he said: The question under consideration is what the verdict of the Shari`ah on celebrating the Holy Birthday of the Noble Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him) during the month of Rabbi-ul-Awwal. From the point of view of Shari`ah is this a praiseworthy action or a blameworthy one? And do those who arrange such celebration receive blessings or not? He said: "The reply to this question is that in my view the Meelad Shareef (Celebration of the Birthday of the Noble Prophet Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is in fact such an occasion of happiness on which people assemble and recite the Holy Qu`ran to the extent that is easy. Then they relate the prophecies concerning the appearance of the Noble Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him) that have been transmitted in Ahadith and Athar, and the miraculous events and signs that took place on his birth. Then food is set before them and according to their desire they partake thereof to satisfaction. This festival of celebrating the birthday of the Noble Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him) is a Bid`ah Hasanah (good innovation) and those arranging it will get blessing, since in such a celebration is found the expression of joy and happiness at the greatness and eminence of the Noble Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him) and his birth". Even Ibn Tay`miah said in his book "Necessity of the Right Path", p. 266, 5th line from the bottom of that page, published by Dar Al-Hadith, the following: "As far as what people do during the Meelad, either as a rival celebration to that which the Christian do during the time of Christ`s birthday or as an expression of their love and admiration and a sign of praise for the Noble Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him), Allah Almighty will surely reward them for such Ij`tiha". He then said: "Although Meelad was not practiced by (Salaf), they should have done so since there was no objection against it from the Shari`ah point of view". And we certainly only celebrate Meelad out of love and admiration to the Prophet of all Mankind. 2. Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Qastalani, who gave commentary on Sahih Bukhari, said: "May Allah Almighty shower his Mercy upon a person who takes the days of the month of Rabbi-ul-Awwal, in which the Noble Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him) was born, as days of feast and celebration for doing so is the best cure for the heart of an ailing person." 3. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar was asked, same reference of Imam Suyuti, about Meelad Shareef. His reply was: "Meelad Shareef is, in fact, and innovation, which was not transmitted from any pious predecessor in the first three centuries. Nevertheless, both acts of virtue as well as acts of abomination are found in it (i.e. sometimes acts of virtue are found therein and sometimes acts of abomination). If in the Meelad Shareef only acts of virtue are done and acts of abomination are abstained from, then the Meelad Shareef is a Bid`ah Hasanah (good innovation), otherwise not." He then added "... to do any virtuous act and to observe it annually as means of recollection for any special day on which Allah Almighty has bestowed any favor or removed any calamity is a form of showing gratitude to Allah Almighty. Gratitude to Allah Almighty is expressed through different kinds of Ibaadah (worship) -prostration and standing in prayer, charity and recitation of the Holy Qu`ran. And what is a greater favour from Allah Almighty can there be than the appearance of the Prophet of Mercy (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him) on this day (i.e. 12th of Rabbi-ul-Awwal)?" Some people do not limit it and celebrate the Meelad Shareef on any day of Rabbi-ul-Awwal. Nay, some people have extended it even more and increased the period to the whole year. According to the latter, the Meelad Shareef can be celebrated on any day of the year. The objective here is the same, i.e. to rejoice at and celebrate the Holy Birth of the Noble Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him). 4. Imam Abu-Bakr Abdullah Al-Demashqi compiled a number of books on the subject and called them "Collection of Traditions on the Birth of the Chosen Prophet", "The Pure Expression on the Birthday of the Best of Creations" and "The Spring for the Thirsty One on the Birth of the Rightly Guided". 5. Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi wrote a book and called it "The Pure Spring on the Sublime Birth". 6. Imam Ibn Dahyah wrote a book and called it "Enlightenment on the Birthday of the Bearer of Good News, The Warner". 7. Imam Mulla Ali Qari wrote a book and called it "The Quenching Spring on the Birthday of the Prophet". (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him) 8. Imam Shams Ul-Din bin Naser Al-Dumashqi, said in his book "The Spring for the Thirsty One on the Birth of the Rightly Guided" about the story of Abu Lahab that he will receive a light punishment every Monday for expressing joy at the birth of the Noble Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon him) on that day. The Imam said the following verse of poetry, the translation is: If such Kafir was denounced in the (Qur`an) And perished are his hands, and in the Flames is his eternal abode It is narrated that every Monday His torment is made easy for his Joy at the Birth of Ahmad What is the expectation then of a servant who spent all his life Happy with the Arrival of Ahmad (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him)and died on the Oneness of Allah. 9. Imam Shams Ul-Din Ibn aL-Jazri, the Imam of Reciters, wrote a book and named it "The Scent of Notification on the Blessed Birthday". 10. Imam Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Jawzi, said in the description of Meelad: "Peace and Tranquility takes over during that year and a good glad tiding to obtain your wish and inspiration". 11. Imam Abu-Shamah, The Sheik of Al Hafiz Al Nawawi, said: "The best of the innovations of our times is what is carried out on the day of corresponding to the birthday of our Beloved Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him), where people give out donations, practice what is right, express their joy and happiness, in doing so is surely a sign of love and admiration for the Prophet (Allah`s Grace & Peace be upon Him)".