Al-Laah is the Creator, Cherisher and Nourisher of the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and sends peace and salutations to him.
By the grace of Almighty Al-Laah and by the benedictions of the blessed sandal
(Na'll-e-Paak) of the mercy unto the worlds, the intercessor on the Day of Judgement, Saiyyidina Muhammad, Al-Laah's last Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), this humble servant of the Ahle Sunnat keeps himself all the time busy in propagating and publicising the Faith.
For this purpose, I undertook a tour, for the third time, of South Africa, and other African countries. On December 16, 1989, while at Lenasia, in Transvaal province (South Africa), some friends brought to me a poster entitled
'Islam's Third Eid: Call of Madina", published by "Honey Dew", P.O. Box 2797,
But the name of the writer or the publisher was not given. (Writers of such posters normally do not give their own names or that of the publishers. Because they are not sure of the veracity of their writings and, also, for fear of a thorough exposure of their ignorance through the efforts of the right guided Ulama (scholars) and, thus, invite utter ridicule upon themselves).
Evidently, the poster had been written by the Isma'ieli Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tablighi elements,*
* Prophase the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tablighi group of propagandists would feel disturbed by the addition of the epithet "Isma'ieli" to this group. So, I will explain the reason for doing so. The foundations of the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tablighi creed was first laid by books written by Ismaiel Dehlvi Phulti Balakoti, and praised by Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, as I have quoted in my book "White and Black". Since the author of the book "Johannesburg to Bareilly" describes the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama'at 'at as "Raze Khanis" he should have the courage to bear being labelled as "Isma'ieli" because of his allegiance to Ismaiel Dehlvi.
giving vent to their ignorance and evil intentions. These Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists have no touch with truth or reality, therefore nothing good can be expected of them. They use their tongue or their pen for accentuating those deficiencies and evils that are distancing Muslim society from the spirituality of Islaam. These people spend their entire energy on how best to put an end to unbounded love for the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), and, in this, they are greatly aided and abetted by the anti Islam forces. Therefore, these agents of the exploitative forces, and rejecters of help and guidance provided by Prophets and "friends" of Al-Laah, put all their resources into their nefarious designs. Let us pray to Almighty Al-Laah that by His grace He may protect us from the fiendish designs of the wicked people belonging to the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tablighi group and may He grant us the ability to remain steadfast in our religion of truth! Aameen.
My present tour, which is my third, of South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana and Babutoswana has been so arranged by my friends that I am being kept busy round the clock. This poster by "Honey Dew" contained no valid criticism and had nothing to add to our knowledge, but my friends insisted that it was most necessary to keep my Sunni brethren fully informed of the reality. And, so, even during the course of my tour, I found time, albeit in bits, to be able to present an honest answer to things contained in the poster. I am, therefore, quoting extensively from Janab Ashraf Ali Thanvi and other Ulama of Deoband to fully bring out the tenets of the entire ideological formulations of Isma'ieli-Deobandi Wahaabi Tablighi group. Here, I must clarify that this humble servant of Ahle Sunnat has already written three books in English. And has not reserved the right of authorship or of publishing in my own favour but has given a free hand in the matter to all those interested in informing the peoples of Africa and Europe.
The first book in this regard is called Deoband to Bareilly (The Truth)", in which I have explained the divergence between Deobandi and Sunni schools of thought, why is it so, and how can it be removed. It is but necessary for every Musalmaan to read this book, so that the divergence between the Deobandi Wahaabis and the Sunnis is fully grasped by all.
My second book is called "Azaan and Durood Shareef ' (Call to prayer and salutations to the holy Prophet, Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). This is a rejoinder to a "Fatwa" against me published in South Africa, which proves to the hilt, through the writings of the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi Tablighi Ulama, that it is no innovation to recite salutations to the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) before and after Azaan.
My third book "White and Black" or (Facts of Deobandism), is, infect, a rejoinder to the book "Johannesburg to Bareilly" published from South Africa and is a truly important book. It is a treasure trove for those interested in really understanding what the difference between Deobandi
Wahaabis and Sunnis is all about.
Two other books by this servant of Ahle Sunnat are under print and will be reaching your hands soon. One relates to the question of Imamat and the other deals with the problems and realities of bid'at (innovation)*. This writer has penned other books as well.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* A discussion of Bid'at can be seen in my book "White and Black' (Facts of Deobandism) as well. Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
In my book, "White and Black", this servant of Ahle Sunnat had already advised all Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists. Against indulging in criticism of, and issuing Fataawa against, the right guided Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama'at before knowing the standpoint on such matters of their own big wigs, intense love and reverence for whom has earned them the nickname of "Mullaa worshippers".
The Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists should study with great diligence books written by their own "big-wigs" so that they know that the criticisms and "Fataawa". They hurl against us, Sunnis, fits, in the first instance, their own "big wigs" and thus they not only bring calumny upon themselves but involve their own "big-wigs", and by their poisoned pen confirm that their own "big-wigs" were idolaters and associates and innovators. May Al-Laah protect us from their wickedness!
The poster published by "Honey Dew" levels two wholly erroneous criticism about the Qur'aanic words "Days of Al-Laah". The first criticism concerns a Sunni preacher's translation of the words
"Wa Zakkir hum Bi Aiy-yaamil Laah" (in Soorah Ibraaheem, verses number 5, part 13).
He had translated the words as "And teach them to remember the Days of Al-Laah" while the Qur'aan does not contain the words "And teach them". Therefore, according to the "Honey Dew" propagandists, these words constitute an addition to the Qur'aanic text and, thus, change the religion. It is a fact, though, that Janab Abdullah Yusuf Ali the renowned translator and commentator of the Qur'aan, has also used the same words. Would the "Honey Dew" critic describe Janab Abdullah Yusuf Ali also as a heretic?
In reply, I beg to submit that the critic has, in fact, objected to the English translation of a Qur'aanic verse. While making this criticism, he forgets that the Qur'aan has been revealed in the Arabic tongue, not in the English tongue. If by making this criticism, "Honey Dew" people mean to say that not translating the Qur'aan correctly tantamount to making changes in the Qur'aan and in the religion, then they should also not condone the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists in this regard. For, it has been the practice with the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandist Ulama to change the meaning and import of the Qur'aan while translating it.
This humble servant of Deen has in his possession books in which not only Qur'aanic words have been changed but it can be rightly said that the translation is completely at variance with the Qur'aanic verses. I can cite various such examples.
I honestly feel that only the word "teach" should have been made the butt of criticism, whereas, in fact, the words "And", "Them" in the translation of the Qur'aanic words have also been taken exception to. They cannot, themselves, translate the Qur'aan in the English tongue and yet the critic has objected to only the English translation. People at the Honey Dew" went mad with anger because the translator had put "And teach them" instead of "And remind them".
I would like to put two questions to the critic and to people like him First, what does he think of the position of the Ulama of Deoband with regard to altering the meaning and import of Qur'aanic verses when rendering them into another tongue? Second, what is their position with regard to such non-use of the correct alternative foreign words, which alter the Qur'aanic words in translation. That is to say, what have they to say about wrongly translating the Qur'aanic words, and, thus, altering the entire meaning and import of the Qur'aanic words?
I will defer answering the critic's objection till such time as I receive a reply to my above queries.
In the meantime, I will urge upon them the necessity of formulating a reply with due thought so that they may be able to stick to it. They should bear in mind the example of wrongly translating the Qur'aanic words into a foreign language in their pamphlet "Johannesburg to Bareilly" (Part 2, page 11)
And cited by me in my book "White and Black". In this pamphlet, the word '`AI Aalameen" has been translated as "peoples". I would like the "Honey Dew" people to issue a Fatwa (religious verdict) on this as well.
Now let us see what is the position of the Ulama of Deoband with regard to the translation of the Qur'aanic words.
"Wa Zakkir hum Bi Aiy-yaamil-Laah".
Principal of the Daar-ul-Uloom, Deoband, and teacher of Janab Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Janab Mahmood Hasan Deobandi, has translated the words thus: "And remind them of the Days of Al-Laah"
(Translation of the Qur'aan, page 231, published by Madinah Press, Bijnor, UP India, 1355 A.H.).
Janab Ashraf Ali Thanvi has translated the words thus: "And remind them of the affairs of Al-Laah Ta’ala"
(Page 512 of the translation and commentary published by Taj Company Ltd. Pakistan, February1959)
Would the Isma'ieli Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandist of "Honey Dew" like to say something about the above mentioned translations or would he treat these two as (Marfoo'ul Qalam) "unfit to write" and include himself also in this category? It is not known what exact words were used by the Sunni preacher, but the translator used the word "teach" in English. I will, therefore, suggest to the "Honey Dew" people that they should render into English the Urdu version by Janab Mahmood Hasan and then delete the word "teach" from it.
This humble self (Kaukab Noorani Okarvi) undertakes to ask the Sunni preacher who has been criticised in the poster if he would have any objection to replacing the word "teach" with a correct alternative word. But I will await a reply to my queries from the publisher of the "Honey Dew" poster, so that the "truthfulness" of the so-called "true Ulama" of the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandist school is brought out in public.
The second criticism levelled in the poster relates to Part 13, Soorah Ibraaheem, Verse 5, to the effect that the Yaum-Aashoora, Lailatul Qadr and Shab Bara'at are not to be counted amongst the Days of Al-Laah. This, because authentic commentators like Ibne Abbas, Mujaahid, and Qataadah (Radiyal Laahu Anhum) hold the Days of Al-Laah to mean the days on which Al-Laah's mercy or torment descended upon mankind.
By way of reply, I would like to remind people at "Honey Dew" that the commentary of the Qur'aan called "Tafseer Mazhari, written by Allamah Qaazi Muhammad. Sana'ul Laah Paani Pati (may Al-Laah have mercy on him) and translated by Saiyyid Abdud Daa'im of Daarul Musannifeen is held in great esteem by the Ulama of Deoband.
(volume 6, page 284, published by the H.M. Sa'eed and Company, Karachi, January, 1977).
The people at "Honey Dew" should read carefully this translation by a Deobandi Nadvi scholar for his rendering of the words "Wa Zakkir hum Bi Aiy-yaamil-Laah" as "And remind them of Al-Laah's blessings". Mahmood Hasan Deobandi translates the words "Aiy-yaamil-Laah" as "Days of Al-Laah", while Ashraf Ali Thanvi has rendered it as "Almighty Al-Laah's affairs" and by Abdud Daa'im Deobandi Nadvi as "Al-Laah's blessings". (The word "(Ta’ala)" Almighty" does not occur in the Qur'aanic text and yet Ashraf Ali Thanvi Sahib has inserted it without using brackets).
On this very page of "Tafseer Mazhari" it is said that according to Hazrat Ibn Abbas, Hazrat Ubaiy Bin Ka'b, Mujaahid and Qataadah (may Al-Laah be pleased with them), the words "Aiy-yaamil-Laah" mean "Al-Laah's blessings". Now, the question is, do the "Honey Dew" people consider or do not consider Ashore, Lailat-ul-Qadr, and Shab Bara'at as the blessings of Al-Laah?
The "Honey Dew" people should read Bukhaari and Muslim to know about "Yaum-e- Aashoora" if they have not as yet done so. The Jews of Madinah used to observe the day. They should read about Lailat-ul-Qadr in the commentary by their own Ashraf Ali Sahib Thanvi, as also in other writings. Yet, to those whose hearts are devoid of the blessings of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), the Qur'aan does not provide a guidance and a mercy and a healing. The commentary by Ibne Jubair, or by Khaazin, or by Mubarak, and the Mufradaat-lmaam Raaghib are books which were written at a time when no such building known as "Daarul Uloom, Deoband" existed on the face of the earth. In all these books, all authentic personalities have taken "Aiy-yaamil-Laah" to mean the days on which Al-Laah had showered His blessings on such of His bondsmen whom He loved.
Can the "Honey Dew" people and their Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi Tablighi cohorts prove that the "Days of Al-Laah" were meant only for generations prior to Islam and the followers of our beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) have not been given any "Aiy-yaamil-Laah". Is it that the day when the Bani Isra'iel were delivered from (Fir'aun) Pharaoh should be regarded to be among the "Days of Al-Laah", but the day on which the redeemer of all the worlds was born into this world should not be so regarded? Is it that the day when the food-table (Maa'idah) descended upon Prophet 'Isa and his disciples should be considered among the "Days of Al-Laah" but the day when the Holy Qur'aan descended upon the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) should not be so considered?
It seems the "Honey Dew" people believe only the days bestowed on generations prior to Islam to be among the "Days of Al-Laah" and the rest of the days to be, perhaps, their own days. And yet they dare issue "Fatwa" of paganism on others.
Perhaps, the "Honey Dew" propagandists and their associates belong to a sect on whom Al-Laah has bestowed no blessing and so these luckless people fulfil their yearning by celebrating the days of the Hindus and the Christians. Or at least by celebrating the centenary of their own Daarul Uloom, Deoband, (an institution busy in propagating paganism and innovations). by getting it inaugurated by a pagan Hindu lady! How strange that Janab Ashraf Ali Thanvi should feel justified in calling Daarul Uloom, Deoband, the "madrisah of Al-Laah" (see his "Arwanh-Salaasah" page 281).
And the "Honey Dew" people should act as if they were the keepers of Paradise, selling tickets to it, but if we, Sunnis, celebrate the birthday of the beloved of Al-Laah, the holy Prophet, as the day when Al-Laah showered His special blessings, the Isma'ieli
Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists should feel as if they had been stung by a swarm of fleas.
In Soorah Maryam (part 16) the Holy Qur'aan speaks about Hazrat 'Ieesaa and Hazrat Yahya (Alaihimus Salaam) thus: "And (Salaam) salutations be on the day they were born, and the day they departed salutations this world, and the day when they will be raised up". I would ask the propagandists at the "Honey Dew", if Al-Laah's salutation be on days when Hazrat 'Ieesaa and Hazrat Yahya (Alaihimus Salaam) were born and departed and will be raised up, should they not be then counted among the "Days of Al-Laah". All men of Faith believe these days to be the "Days of Al-Laah".
Woe be to the thinking that refuses to acknowledge the importance of the day of the birth of Al-Laah's Prophets. Even of the greatest of all Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), as the "Days of Al-Laah", and would not believe in expressing joy and giving thanks in remembrance of Al-Laah's greatest grace and mercy! And this after having seen that Allah, as the Qur'aan says, sends His salutations on the day when Hazrat 'Ieesaa and Hazrat Yahya (Alaihimus Salaam) were born. May Al-Laah Ta’ala protects us from such deviations and such deviationist! Aameen.
Let the people at "Honey Dew" carefully read how their own Ulama of Deoband have described the greatness of Eid-e-Meelaad Mustafa (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam). On page 4 of his booklet "Jum'ah ke Fazaa'il Ahkaam" (the blessings of Jum'ah and commands regarding it), Janab Ashraf Ali Thanvi says: "It is related from Imaam Ahmad (may Al-Laah be pleased with him) that the night before Jum'ah ranks higher than Lailat
Qadr, because it was on this very night that Sarwar-e-Aalam (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) graced the blessed belly of his mother, and his appearance has been of countless benefit to mankind here in this world and in the Hereafter. (Ashe'atul Lam 'ant; in Persian, "Mishkaat Shareef).
Perhaps the propagandists at the "Honey Dew" and their cohorts are aware of the fact that the Holy Qur'aan describes "Lailat-ul-Qadr" as better than a thousand months and, perhaps, they are also familiar with Imaam Ahmad (may Al-Laah be pleased with him). And, of course, they would be know Thanvi Sahib, the principal ideologue of the Isma’ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists. The same Thanvi Sahib again quotes revered Imaam Ahmad (may Al-Laah be pleased with him) to say: "The night when the mercy unto the worlds, the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), graced the blessed belly of his revered mother, the blessed Saiyyidah A'minah (may Al-Laah be pleased with her), was no ordinary night but even more blessed than a thousand months; indeed the blessedness and the rank of this night cannot be counted". Would those who regard Thanvi Sahib as the pillar of their ideology tell us if the night when the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) graced his mother's blessed belly is superior to Lailat-ul-Qadr by many degrees then why should not the night when the Messenger of Al-Laah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was born into this world not be regarded as superior to millions of Lailat-ul-Qadr?
The Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists at "Honey Dew" are not even prepared to acknowledge Lailatul-ul-Qadr among "Aiy-Yaamil-Laah", and, so, what importance they would attach to the night when the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was born. This is nothing surprising. Everybody knows that the accursed Shaitaan became accursed because he refused to acknowledge the high rank of Al-Laah's Prophet, the revered Aadam (Alaihis Salaam). Readers will realise where stand those who refuse to acknowledge the mighty reality behind Aadam, i.e. the Prophet of Al-Laah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam). May the Merciful Allah protect us from Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi Tablighis and their ideologies! Aameen.
The title of the "Honey Dew" poster is '`Islam's third 'Eid". These people have called the birthday of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) as the third 'Iced and even gone so far as to refuse to acknowledge it altogether. They do not know that the birthday of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is not the third 'Eid of Islam but the First 'Eid of the Islamic world. Had this not occurred then there would have been no occasion to celebrate 'Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, nor those celebrating 'feed would exist. These Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists who claim to be the "true" followers of the revered Shah Wally-ul Laah Dehlvi (may Al-Laah have mercy on him) and his family and the adherents of Shah Wally-ul Laah Dehliv's ideologies and thoughts must also be knowing revered Shah Abdul Azeez Dehlvi (may Al-Laah have mercy on him). This very Shah Abdul Azeez, in his "Tafseer-Azeezi" quotes this Hadith-ul-Qudsi (Al-Laah's Saying), Laulaaka Lama Azhartur Ruboobiyyah (but for the creation of the mercy unto the worlds, the holy Prophet Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam, Al-Laah would not have cared to manifest His attribute of Rabb).
This Saying reveals the fact that had Al-Laah not desired to create the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) then the entire universe would not have been created, neither man would have been created, nor there would have been any occasion celebrate any even Janab Zafar Ali Khan, who used to call himself a "Maulana" and was tied to the Deobandi school of thought, acknowledges this fact in one of his Urdu couplets. He says:
"Gar Arzo Sama ki Mahfil Me Laulaka Lama ka Shor Na Ho
Ye Noor Na Ho Saiyyaaroon Me Ye Rang Na Ho Gulzaaroon Me"
(Were the earth and the heavens not be astir with the sound of Laulaaka Lama There would, then, be neither light in the planets nor splendour in the meadows).
On page 182 of his book "Meelaadun Nabi (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam)" published by Kutub Khaanah Jameeli, Model Town, Lahore), Janab Ashraf Ali Thanvi declares: '`The blessing of the light of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is this. The entire universe came into being with his light (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam)."
The day when this blessed personality came into this world is by far the first and the greatest joyous day for the Musalmaans. For it is only through his blessing that we came into existence, and received our religion, our belief in it, our Qur'aan, our Ramadaan and our recognition of the True Deity, our Eid-ul-Fitr and our Eid-ul-Adha festivities. The day when blessings and enjoyment are conferred upon us is surely the day of 'Eid. The Holy Qur'aan itself testifies to this when the Prophet of Al-Laah, revered Hazrat 'Isa (Alaihis-Salaam), supplicates to Al-Laah to send a food table (Maa'idah) to him so that it should be a day of rejoicing for the present as well as the future generations. The words of Hazrat 'Ieesaa, according to the Holy Qur'aan, were:
"Rabbana Anzil Alaina Maa'idatam Minas-Samaa'i Takoonu-Lana leedal L'Awwalina Wa Aakhirina"
(O my Rabb! Send to us from heaven a food table, so that it (the day of the descent of the food table) may be a day of Eid (rejoicing) for the present as well as the future generations). *
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* The desire to make the day when the food table (Maa'idah) descended as the day of feed was expressed by Hazrat 'Ieesaa (Alaihis Salaam) and it cannot be imagined about a Prophet that he expressed a wrong desire. Hazrat Ieesa's prayer proves the correctness of celebrating a day on which a blessing descends as the day of Eid. After this proof given by the Qur'aan, there can be doubt in the minds of men of faith and love that the birth of the greatest of Al-Laah's graces, the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), should be regarded as the day of joicing, of Eid.
Therefore, it is proved from the Qur'aan itself that the day when a blessing descends from heaven is a day of Eid. We are enjoined by the Qur'aan to rejoice at having received a blessing. The Qur'aan says:
"Qul Bi fadlil-Laahi Wa Bi Rahmatihi Fabi Zaalika Fal Yafrahu"
(Say O Prophet! you should rejoice at receiving A-Laah's grace and blessing)
Revered Shah Abdul Azeez Dehlvi (may Al-Laah have mercy on him) in his "Tafseer Azeezi" holds that to rejoice on receiving Al-Laah's grace and mercy is a very good and an altogether beneficial act. In Aayat 69 of the Holy Qur'aan Soorah Aa'raaf, Allah says:
"Fazkuroo Aalaa' Allahi La' allakum Tuflihoon.
(Remember Allah's blessings so that you may profit)"
And in Aa'yat 74 it is said
"Fazkuroo Aalaa' Allahi Wala Ta'sau Fil Ardi Mufsideen
(So remember Al-Laah's blessings, and do not spread corruption in the earth)"
And in Soorah Ad-Duha,
"Wa Amma Bini'mati Rabbika Fahaddis"
(And remember and proclaim the blessings of your Rabb)"
These Divine exhortations make it clear that the truth is that remembering the blessings of Al-Laah, rejoicing on their bestowal and proclaiming them, all these are laudable acts. On the other hand, not celebrating them, not remembering them and prohibiting their proclamation, all this tantamount to spreading corruption in the earth. Thus it is proved from the Holy Qur'aan that people who give thanks for Al-Laah's blessings, rejoice at their bestowal and proclaim them, they are the people who are liked by Allah, while those who prevent proclamation of such bestowal are the corrupters and the ingrates. On page 512 of his tafseer "Baynan-ul-Qur'aan", Janab Ashraf Ali Thanvi, commenting on
"Wa Zakkir Hum Bi AiyYaamil-Laah"
Translates it thus: "And remind them of the affairs of Al-Laah (blessing and torment), and they will be thankful to Al-Laah by remembering them", and on page 49 of his book Meelaad-un-Nabi (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) as "a fulfilment of this promise, so we should learn the lesson that we should daily remember his coming. If someone says that his coming is remembered during a recitation of the Holy Qur'aan, the answer would be that there it is not mentioned in detail and so most people do not get to know of the details".
On page 150 of the same book, he says: "Thus it becomes clear that rejoicing on the holy Prophet's (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) blessed birth is not only permitted but is a blessing. Thus it is that we do not deny the act of rejoicing. In fact, we keep ourselves busy in practising it all the time".
On page 278 of his tafseer, Janab Shabbeer Ahmad Usmaani says: "Rejoicing on a blessing conferred is a good act since it has come to us from Al-Laah", and on page 779, he says: "To celebrate the blessings of the Benefactor by way of expressing thanks is a good act in Shariyat", while on page 205, he says: "We must remember them and be dutiful and thankful to Al-Laah for the blessings already mentioned and for countless others".
Dear readers! Every Muslim seeks Al-Laah's blessings and every Muslim also knows that the greatest grace and blessing of Al-Laah is nothing but the birth of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and that Al-Laah Himself is conscious of sending such a great blessing upon us. It is, indeed, a great thing that even being the Creator and Deity of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) Al-Laah is all praise for him, his holy life, his blessed city, the age in which he lived, swears by his sayings, and commands us to honour him, and teaches us how to behave in his presence, and makes it clear to us that had He not created our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) He would not have created the earth and the heavens.
Anybody aware of this reality would be, every moment of his life, engage himself in giving thanks for this great bounty and yet would not be able to give adequate thanks. This is only by the grace of our Rabb that we are, in some measure, able to celebrate the birthday of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) by remembering the great qualities of his life, by sending salutations to him in gatherings; by putting up some illuminations and by making some alms-giving and by distributing food
items. We are able to do all this so that people may become attached to this great bounty from Al-Laah and so that they may benefit from it in this world and in the Hereafter.
While expressing our joy on the occasion, we do not countenance any such acts which might be against the Shari'ah, for we do this at the command of Al-Laah and to earn the grace of Al-Laah, which cannot be attained by any unauthorised means.
Thanvi Sahib himself has observed that since Al-Laah has called the birth of the holy Prophet His greatest blessing upon us, for, by so doing, He let man have His most beloved creation for whose sake He created all beings. It is incumbent upon man to rejoice and to celebrate this blessing.
How strange that the followers of Hazrat 'Ieesaa (Alaihis-Salaam) should rejoice at the sending down of a (Maa'idah) food-table and celebrate the event as their Eid, but we should not celebrate the coming, in our midst, of the blessed personality but for whose creation neither Hazrat 'Ieesaa (Alaihis-Salaam) nor the food-table, nor the Qur'aan itself would have been there!
The sending down of the Holy Qur'aan occurred only once, on one Lailatul-ul-Qadr, but the night on which it descended became blessed till Doomsday. The Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists also participate in "celebrations on the sending down of the Holy Qur'aan" every year, and that, too, only in the month of Ramadaan and not in any other month of the year. Let us ask them, does the Qur'aan descend every year? And they will say, no, it is not so. Then why do they celebrate the sending down of the Qur'aan every year? And why do they do so in their self appointed manner?
Why, then, these people observe the death anniversaries of their muftis and days of the founders of their madaaris (religious schools) every year with particular attention to date, place, programme and other details?
How is it that these people can float institutions and build structures dedicated to them, hold various gatherings yearly, and hold all manner of demonstrations?
Not only this, but, in South Africa, they can celebrate Christmas, Easter, Holi and Divali with greater fervour than the Non-Muslims. And yet they are not (bid'ati) "innovators" but erstwhile Muslims! Strangely enough, however, the "Fataawa" of being (bid'ati) "innovators" are hurled against true Sunni Muslims for celebrating the 'Eid-e-Meelaad-un-Nabi (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam).
In Pakistan, the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists not only hold all sorts of demonstrations and rally (Jalsah, Juloos) and illuminations on the occasion of the Eid Meelaad-un-Nabi (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) on their own, but also participate in rallies organised by others.
The "Thanvi family" is prominent in rally held by Shi 'as on the occasion of "Yaum Husain" (may Al-Laah be pleased with him). (For details and pictures, readers should see my pamphlet entitled (Apni Ada Dekh "Behold your own antics").
Everybody knows (in Pakistan) about the pomp with which Yaum-e-Siddeeq Akbar (may Al-Laah be pleased with him) and the days of the three most revered companions of the holy Prophet (may Al-Laah be pleased with them) and of other companions of the holy Prophet are held each year under the auspices of the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists. It is another matter though that celebrating the day of the fourth caliph, Saiyyidina Ali (Karramal Laahu Wajhahu) is an "innovation" (bid'at) in their eyes!
These people, also, fully observe the first ten days of Muharram, organise large gatherings at pre-set times and publicise the occasion of Faatihah and death anniversaries, hold Qur'aan Khawaani (recitation from the Qur'aan), eulogies are paid, food is distributed and all such things are done. Doing all these things is all right for the Isma'ieli Deobandi Wahaabi propagandists and it does not put their faith in Islam in jeopardy. But by the touch of Shaitaan their Muftees are perhaps benumbed, and so they do not issue any fatwa.
But if the true Sunni Muslims celebrate the day of their holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), every Deobandi Mufti springs to action and begins to issue "fatwa" of (Shirk-Bid'at) paganism and innovation, and of doing forbidden and unauthorised things. Can they really call themselves "Ulama-Haq" on account of what they do?
The ideologue of the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists, Ashraf Ali Thanvi Sahib, used to hold special functions in the blessed month of Meelaad
Nabi (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam). His speeches on these occasions have been collated in a book "Meelaad-un-Nabi (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam). *
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