The seventh chapter of the book "Ad Durrul Munazzam" is spread over 43 pages, that is, from page 93 to page 136. The stated list of knowing personalities does not include the names, or the books, of those whose writings have been made use of in order to make arguments more clear. Let us hear from the writings of only two of the personalities mentioned in the list.
The first personality is that of Shaikh Hazrat Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi (may Al
Laah have mercy on him), about whom Janab Ashraf Ali Thanvi has written: "Shah Abdul Haq Sahib used to have the blessed vision of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) daily". Thanvi Sahib, throughout his writings, has acknowledged the greatness and excellence of the learning of Hazrat Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi. here, I am giving only one reference. On page 65 of his book, "Shukrun Ni'mah Bizikr
Rahmatir Rahmah", Thanvi Sahib quotes a passage from Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi's (may Al-Laah have mercy on him) book "Ashe'atul Lam 'aat"' and says:" Since Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi is a profound Muhaddis, so he must have written about ten kinds of (Shafaa 'at) intercession after consulting some hadeeth, though I cannot lay my hands on this particular hadeeth. Even so, it is acceptable to me because Shaikh (Abdul Haq) has a vast knowledge of hadeeth". The personality whose writings were acceptable to their ideologue, Thanvi Sahib, should also be acceptable to his followers, or else these people should prove that they are superior to Thanvi Sahib or that they do not accept Thanvi Sahib as their ideologue or some such thing. The decision lies with them.
Hazrat Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi (may Allah have mercy on him), on page 82 of his book "Ma Sabata Minas Sunnah" (published by Qaiyyumi Press, Kanpur, August, 1923), referring to the night of the blessed birth, of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) says:
"Iza Qulna Innahu Wulida Lailan Fatilkal Lailatu Afzalu Min Lailatil Qadri Bilaa Shubhatin Li 'Anna Lailatal Maulidati Lailatu Zuhoorihi Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wa Sallama Ala Jamee'il Khalaa'igi Min Ahlis Samnawaati Wal Ardeen".
("We would rather say that the night when the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was born is definitely superior to Lailat-ul-Qadr. This is so because the night of the birth is the night when he was manifested and Lailat -ul Qadr was bestowed on him (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), and a thing which became blessed on account of him upon whom it was bestowed is more blessed than that which became blessed because of it being conferred upon him (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and because Lailat-ul-Qadr is blessed because on this night Angels descend, and the night of the birth of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is blessed because of himself (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), and because Lailat-ul-Qadr is a blessing only for the Ummah of Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and the night of his blessed birth is a blessing for all beings. Thus the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is he who Al-Laah Ta'Aala sent down as a mercy to all the worlds and it is through him that Al-Laah completed His blessings on all His creations in all heavens and in all earth").
On page 83 of his book, after mentioning about Aboo Lahab being blessed every Monday for rejoicing at the birth of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) readers have read about this event on previous pages—, Hazrat Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi (may Al-Laah have mercy on him) says:
"Fama Haalul Muslimi Min Ummatihi Yasurru Bi Maulidihi Wayabzilu Ma Tasilu Ilaihi Qudratuhu Fi Mahab-batihi Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wa Sallama La, Umre' Innama Kaana Jazaa'uhu Minal Laahil Kareemi Ain Yudtkilahu Bi Fadlihil Ameemi Jan
naatin Na'eenei. Wala Zaala Ahlul Islami Yahtafiloona Bishari Mauladihi Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wa Sallam....Farahimal Laahi Imra 'an Ittakhaza Layaaliya Shara Maulidihil Mubaaraki A'' yaadan Liyakoona Ashadda Ilatan Ala Man Fi Qalbihi Maradun Wa Inaad"
"How would one from the Ummah of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa
Sallam) fare who rejoices at the birth of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu
Alaihi wa Sallam) and spends as much as he can afford for the love of the
Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam)! I swear by my life that the Most
Merciful Al-Laah's reward for him who celebrates meelaad will be nothing but
that he will be entered into the Garden of Bliss. '`(Those who believe in Islam
always hold functions in the month of his (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam)
birth, cook food, and give a variety of alms on the nights of this month and
rejoice, and do more good deeds, and recite Maulood Shareef of the holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), and all such (who celebrate Meelaad)
receive all sorts of blessings, the most pronounced characteristic of which is
that they are at peace in the whole of that year and (because of the blessings
of Meelaad) they are expeditiously relieved of their needs and also attain their
hearts' desire. Thus, may Al-Laah have mercy on him who treats the nights of the
month of the holy Prophet's birth as "Eids" so that doing this (celebrating feed
on account of Meelaad) may greatly hurt him in whose heart there is a disease
and who is averse to it.)"
Dear readers! This servant of the Ahle Sunnat (Kaukab Noorani Okarvi) has provided the words, "making Meelaad Shareef the day of Eid" and has quoted the testimonies of the Ulama of Deoband about the quality of the writings of these two personages, Imaam Qastalaani and Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi (may Al-Laah bless them). If even after this they say "I do not believe", then their disease is incurable, indeed.
Now let us look at the writings of one other personage. The station of Hazrat Imaam Mulla Ali Qaari Hanafi (may Al-Laah has mercy on him) is not hidden from men of learning. In his book, "Mauradur Rawi Fi Maulidin Nabavi (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)", he writes: "Qaala Ya'ni Ibne! Jazri Wa Iza Kanna Ahlus Saleebi Ittakhazoo Lailata Maulidi Nabiyyihim Eidil Akbar, Fa Ahlul Islaami Aula Bit Takreemi Wa Ajdar" ("Ibne Jazri says that if Christians (Ahle Saleeb) can celebrate the night of the birth of their Prophet as their great Eid, then those belonging to Islam should honour their own Prophet's birth (Sallal Lanhu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) in a bigger way than the Christians do. I say in reply to the question whether we should do so since we are duty bound to oppose the Ahle Kitaab and nothing in this regard has been quoted from Shaikh Ibne Jazri, we should turn to Imaam Sakhaavi and to the greatest of the divines of Islam and leader of the Imaams, Abul Fazl Ibne Hajar, a most authentic teacher (may Al-Laah shower His mercy on him and may He always keep him in the Garden of Bliss) who has brought out the reality about celebrating Meelaad, from which every wise and learned person can derive his authority. And this reality is proved by the books of correct ahadeeth (Bukhaari and Muslim). According to them, on arriving in Madinah the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) found the Jews to be keeping fast on Aashoora day. When he enquired from them why they did so, they said that was the day when Al-Laah Ta’ala drowned Fir'aun in the river and delivered Moosa (Alaihis Salaam) from him. Thus it was that they fasted on that day in order to give thanks to Allah Ta’ala. Upon this, the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that he had a greater right to celebrate the deliverance of Moosa (Alaihis-Salaam) from Fir'aun. Therefore, he (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) himself fasted and also ordered his companions to keep fast on that day, and also said that provided he was alive the next year he would keep fast on the 9th of Muharram as well. I say that the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) first sided with the Jews and, later on, he (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) opposed the Jews (that is, he kept fast on the 10th of Muharram and also on the 9th of Muharram) so that the distinction should continue to be there. Shaikh Ibne Hajar said that this hadeeth pointed out that giving thanks to Al-Laah Ta’ala (rejoice) for anything with which Al-Laah Ta’ala blesses His bondsmen is beneficial, whether the thing comes to them by way of bestowal of reward or deliverance from evil". (Ad Durrul Munazzam. page 114).
Imaam Mulla Ali Qaari (may Al-Laah have mercy on him) has placed the "Honey Dew" people in a double distress and the testimony of the Ulama of Deoband in confirmation of "Ad Durrul Munazzam" has confronted all the Isma'ieli-Deoband-Wahaabi propagandists with the greatest disaster, because Imaam Mulla Ali Qaari has proved wetlaad Shareef to be not only "Eid' but "Eid-e-Akbar" (Greatest Eid), and has done so by ascribing the source to be Sunnat (Prophetic tradition) and that, too, on a particular day. It is thus that this humble servant of Ahle Sunnat has been telling these Deobandi Wahaabis that they should not come after me, otherwise I will not let them alone and put them into great difficulty.
Readers would have noticed all that has been said by great and renowned personalities in justification of celebrating Meelaad Shareef. Now, only two ways are open to the "Honey, Dew" people: either they apply their "fatwa" of paganism and innovation on these personages as well or they retract from their "fatwa" against us and apologise to us, and after having retracted from their 'fatwa" start celebrating Meelaad Shareef
If this servant of Ahle Sunnat would have written this booklet sitting in his library then he would, surely, have given references to many other books. *
*A book written by the Meelaad renowned Muhaddis, Imaam Abdur Rahmaan Bin Umar Auzaa'ee (156 A.H.), is said to be the first book on Meelaad Shareef. It has been published from Beirut. Saiyyid Sulaimaan Nadvi, in his monumental work "Seerat Nabi", Vol. 3, also says that Meelaad Shareef was celebrated in the 3rd or 4th century Hijra. Moreover, several great scholars of Islam have written books justifying celebration of Meelaad Shareef Most of these books are in my library in Pakistan.
All the same, by the grace of Al-Laah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, I have given a detailed and silencing reply to the two page poster of the "Honey Dew" people, with the aid of only those books that were available with me during my journey. I have no reason to feel elated about it, for I think that this has been possible only due to the blessings of the holy Prophet's (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) blessed sandals and of celebrating Meelaad Shareef. May Al-Laah Ta’ala keep me steadfast in the path of truth and may He make me successful in both the worlds!
I would have quoted extracts from (Ash Shamaamatul Ambariyyah), the booklet by the Imam of the "ghair muqalidin (non-conformists), Nawab Siddieeq Hasan of Bhopal, but for the fact that it is not with me during my travel. Readers may go through the booklet by my respected father, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi (may Al-Laah have mercy on him) called "Barakaate-e-Meelaad Shareef "(Blessings of Meelaad Shareef).
The "Honey Dew" propagandists may also read this. On page 6 of his book "Jum'ah Ke Fazaa'il Ahkaam", Janab Ashraf Ali Thanvi says: "Ibne Abbaas (may Al-Laah be pleased with him) once recited the verse Alyauma Akmaltu Lakum Deenakum and a Jew who was then sitting with him said that if such a verse would have descended upon them they would surely have celebrated Eid on that day. Ibne Abbaas (may Al-Laah he pleased with him) said that this verse had descended on the day of "two 'Eids", the day of Jum'ah and the day of Arafah. By this he meant that there was no need for them to do so (celebrating that day as Eid) since that day they already had ``two 'Eids". (Tirmizi, Tafseere-Khaazin). What say the "Honey Dew" propagandists and their associates to this reference by their own Thanvi Sahib? For, Hazrat Ibne Abbaas (may Al-Laah be pleased with him) did not say to the Jew that the companions (of the Prophet) thought it wrong and an innovation to call as "Eid day" the day on which descended mercy and blessing from Al-Laah. But the companion of the Prophet only explained to the Jew the reality, that is to say what to speak of celebrating one Eid on the day the above verse descended, they actually were celebrating two Eids, i.e., that day was, without any doubt, Eid day.
"Yaum-e-Arafah" is not generally called 'Iced, but the companion of the Prophet (may Al-Laah be pleased with him) gave that day the importance of Eid. Who can claim that the venerated companions who considered Yaum-e-Arafah to be an Eid day, and said so, would not have deemed the day of the Meelaad of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) as the greatest day of rejoicing (Eid) for the entire universe? Monday is considered as blessed only because of the Meelaad of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam). A hadeeth is related in which the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) says that "Monday was the day when I was born". Is this saying of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) not enough for them to realise the blessing and greatness of Monday? Can anyone of the creations refuse to give the respect and veneration due to the Prophet of Al-Laah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam)? Only those who are not convinced of the greatness and high rank of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) will deem it wrong to call the day of his birth as blessed and not celebrate it as 'Eid day. All such people are far from the mercy of AI-Laah tamale and are the beloved of Sahitaan.
The insolent language, which the writers of the poster published from "Honey Dew" have used, bears the stamp of their inner evil. See for yourself their words quoted verbatim below:
"He then "appeals to all Muslims" to "REJOICE FULLY" on this day. The Shariah does not instruct us to do any such thing, but rather some loony innovator, who is unable to even translate a simple ayat of the Quraan takes it upon himself to effect changes in the Deen and instruct the Ummah to innovate by "Rejoicing fully". It is only a hardened enemy of Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) who will "rejoice fully" on the 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal the day when Rasulu’Llah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) passed away; the day on which his noble companions were stunned beyond words; the day when his beloved daughter, Hazrat Fatima (RA) wept bitterly*
* Only Shaitaan had wept on 12th Rabi ul Awwal the day on which the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) was born. See Al Bidaayah Wan Nihaayah Vol. 2, Page 266; Sha-waahidun Nubuwwah by Maulana Jaami Page 51.
in one corner of the house on such a day it is only the enemy of Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) who will "rejoice fully" and "appeal" to others to do so by "decorating their shops. homes and mosques" and whose desire it is "to let the non-Muslims know" that the Muslims are "rejoicing fully" at the death of their Prophet! ! ! (Astaghfirullah).
The non-Muslims were the ones that celebrated at the death of Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) and today it must really please them to know that the Muslims have joined them. WHAT A MOCKERY OF ISLAM ! ! !"
Dear readers! After reading these words, you must have realised fully what is the standard of the thoughts and the doings of Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi Tablighi corrupters. This servant of Ahle Sunnat, in his book "White and Black", has exposed the corrupt minds of the "big-wigs" of these Deobandi-Wahaabis through their own writings. About such obnoxious writings of these Deobandi-Wahaabis I would only say that these people should not forget that they have to go to their dark graves one day and on that day they would come to know of the consequences of mocking at Islam. May the Merciful Al
Laah protect us from the mischief of such enemies of our beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)! Aameen.
This servant of the Ahle Sunnat has, also, replied to the above quoted paragraph of the "Honey Dew", and here I repeat it in brief. First of all, it is only for those whose loved once have died that they should be grieved or joyful. But our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and other Prophets (Alaihimus Salaam) are, by Al-Laah's grace, living. Even so, my reply is this. The birth of Hazrat Aadam (Alaihis-Salaam) took place on the same day as his passing away, but rejoicing at his birth was retained because, in Shari 'ah, mourning in not allowed for more than three days. On the other hand, our holy Prophet's (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) birth took place on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal but the day when he departed from this world, even according to Ashraf Ali Thanvi Sahib himself, was definitely not 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal. Besides this, in his book "Ad Durrul Manazzam", a book spoken of highly by the Ulama of Deoband, Maulana Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Allahabaadi has mentioned about the revered companions (may Allah be pleased with them) celebrating Meelaad-un-Nabi (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), their making speeches about the birth at functions and their rejoicing on the Meelaad day. (See Addurrul Munazzam, Page 95). He has also quoted several instances when the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) described details of his birth and his pedigree. This servant of the Ahle Sunnat has proved, through the written Muhaadiseen, Imaams, Auliyaa and Deobandi Wahaabi Ulama themselves, that the night of Meelaad and the day of Meelaad*
* Al-Laah Ta’ala so timed his (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) birth that it would cover both day and night and both be benefited by it.
are the greatest days of joy and 'Eid for the Muslim Ummah and that those rejoicing thus receive mercy and blessing. This he has done through quotations from books approved of by the Ulama of Deoband and from the "writings" of the Ulama of Deoband. Would the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists, even after this, go on asserting that the respected personalities of the Ummah have not declared Meelaad-e-Mustafa (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) to be the day of rejoicing and of 'Eid, or have not themselves celebrated Eid-e-Meelaad?
Those calling themselves followers of Shah Waliyyul Laah's family should also note the following statement of Hazrat Shah Waliyyul Laah Muhaddis Dehlvi. On page 3 of his book, "Ad Durrus Sameen", he says: "My dear father, Hazrat Shah Abdur Raheem Dehlvi (may Al-Laah have mercy on him) informed me that he used to get food cooked on Meelaad days as a mark of rejoicing for him (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam). One year it so happened that he could not afford anything except roasted grams, so he distributed those among the people, with the result that he had a vision of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) in his dream and saw that those roasted grams were lying before him (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) and he (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) looked pleased".
A glimpse of the regard in which Ulama of Deoband hold the spiritual guide of their own important Ulama, Haaji Imdadul Laah Sahib Muhajir Makki (may Al-Laah have mercy on him), has been given in my book, "White and Black". The same Haaji Sahib says: "The practice of this faqeer has been that I participate in Meelaad Shareef functions. In view of the fact that doing so brings blessings, I myself hold Meelaad every year, and find great solace and joy in Qiyaam (reciting salutations in a standing position)": —"Faislah Haft Mas'alah", page 5, published by Matba' Majeedi, Kanpur, December, 1921.
If the "Honey Dew" people really are convinced of the correctness of their
"fatwa", then it would meet the ends of justice and equity if they also say that Shah Waliyyul Laah and Haaji Imdadul Laah would be denied a drink from "Kausar" on the Day of Judgement, and also issue a "fatwa" of being (bid'ati) innovators against them and against other Ulama of Deoband whose writings have been presented in this book, so that their claim of truthfulness may be justified. Or else the reality should dawn upon all that Deobandi-Wahaabi-ism has, in fact, nothing to do with truth and, also, that calling fact as fiction and be adamant about it is a characteristic of Deobandi-ism. The indecent language and the way of writing used in 'Honey dew" poster would have by now convinced readers of the moral filth and mental degradation, which encompasses them. The fact is that they became Mullahs only for the sake of those of their elders who have earned Al-Laah's wrath on account of their being clearly insolent to the beloved of Al-Laah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam).
It is also plain main that those who support those who are insolent to the holy Prophet are earning degradation for themselves in this world and in the Hereafter. May Al-Laah Ta’ala protect us from them and from all their mischief! Aameen.
In the end, I would like to make it clear to my readers that celebrating Eid-e-Meelaad-un-Nabi (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and arranging illumination, hoisting flags, reciting salutations in an inspiring and loud voice on the occasion is by no means an "innovation" (bid'at); in reality all this is exactly in the tradition set by Al-Laah Himself.
In the fourth chapter of his book "Ad Durrul Munazzam", held in high esteem by the Ulama of Deoband, Maulana Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Allahabaadi has recorded in detail incidents which manifested themselves at the time when the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was born. These include: "a cluster of stars concentrated over the roof of his house at the time of the birth of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam); Angels hoisted flags on holy Baitul Laah and in the east and in the west; the whole atmosphere was filled with the voices of Angels and houries reciting salutations to him in the standing position and congratulating each other and rejoicing with abandon; animals also congratulated each other at the birth of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam), the Ka'batul Laah bowed in a manner of saluting, and the falsehood vanished and the light of truth spread light in all directions," Page 54, 72, 91; Mawaahib-Ladunniyah by Imaam Qastalaani Page 57; Mauladul Uroos by Imam Ibne Jauzi Page 3, 7, 26, Shawaahidun Nubawwah by Maulana Jaami, Page 55; As-seeratual Halbiyah by Allamah Ali Bin Burhaan, Page 94; Khasaa'is-Kubra by Imaam Suyooti Vol. l, Page 45; Zurqaani by Allamah Zurqaani Vol. 1, Page 112, 116.
Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi propagandists would be knowing that Angels do
exactly as they are commanded. This is testified to by the holy Qur'aan— "wa
Yafa'boona Ma Yu'maroon". (Whatever the Angles did then was at Al-Laah's
command.) Therefore, those who refer to all these as innovations should hold
their tongues and their pens and should beware where all this would lead them
to. Calling Al-Laah's command innovation (bid'at) cannot be the doing of a
Musalmaan. Such a person would be an enemy to Al-Laah and a great transgressor.
People at "Honey Dew" cannot possibly provide proof of the allegation made in their poster that the Bareilvis had actually used certain words attributed to them about the Imaam of the Najdi Wahaabis. But before levelling the allegation, the Isma'ieli-Deobandi
Wahaabi Tablighi ought to have read the writings of their elders. It would have been better that the "Honey Dew" people had quoted the thoughts and beliefs of the Ulama of Deoband on Najdi Wahaabis, so that people could know that the Najdi Wahaabi followers of Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahaab had been "lovingly" described as the "wicked Wahaabis (Wahaabiyah Khabeesah)" and as the "wicked band" (Taa'ifah Shanee 'ah)" by the Ulama of Deoband. For details, a reference should be made to books by Husain Ahmad Sahib Tandvi Madni, namely, "Ash Shahaabus Saaqib" (The shooting star) or "Naqsh-e-Hayaat" (Imprints of life). Even Ashraf Ali Sahib Thanvi, has at several places in his book, "Al Ifaazaatul Yaumiyah", condemned the Najdi Wahaabis in "very loving words", and in "Al Muhannad", all Ulama of Deoband have dubbed Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahaab and people like him to be idolaters.*
It is another matter, though, that the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi Tablighis might have now sought forgiveness of the Najdi Wahaabis for the fatwas against them by their elders. If the present generation of Deobandis do not regard Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahaab as what he is depicted to be in the above said books, then how is it that they are still quoting from books by their elders containing those very words? If they have changed their beliefs then why are these books still being published? It is very obvious that the present generation of Deobandis are merely trying to deceive the Najdi Wahaabis of Arabia. Readers would have by now realised the true nature of these deceiving Deobandis. May the Merciful Al-Laah protect us from the mischief of these people! Aameen.
This servant of the Ahle-Sunnat has, by the grace of Al-Laah, given a full reply to all the criticisms levelled in the "Honey Dew" poster. People at "Honey Dew" say that a person who cannot translate a simple "Aa’yat' of the Holy Qur'aan cannot ask the Ummah to celebrate "Eid-e-Meelaad" and that there is nothing in Shari 'ah to justify celebration of the birthday of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam). In reply, I would say to the people at "Honey Dew" that it would definitely be altering the Deen if words and meanings of the
Excerpts from writings of the Ulama of Deoband about the Wahaabis of Najd can be seen in my book "White and Black"—Kaukab
Qur'aan are altogether altered in translating them into any other language,
and doing so has been a habit and a practice with the Deobandi-Wahaabi Ulama.
The publishers of the "Honey Dew" would definitely be knowing that the Sunni
preacher did not alter the meaning (according to my information, that Sunni
preacher could not render the Qur'aan into English) and so the blame for doing
so would be on the translator. Therefore, the "Honey Dew" people should not use
offensive language in condemnation of the wrong use of a word in the Qur'aan,
which is, after all, not far removed from its meaning. As pointed out earlier in
this book, it is possible that the translation of the writing of the Sunni
preacher may have used the same words as found in the English translation of the
holy Qur'aan by Janab Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Or, it is also possible that the Sunni
preacher may have merely quoted the Qur’anic Aa’yat in his writing, but his
translator on his own, copied from Abdullah Yusuf Ali's English translation.
It is further submitted that the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghis at "Honey Dew" would be, perhaps, aware of the recognised principle that arguments are only for the forbidden and not for the permitted. That is to say that arguments are needed only to prove the unlawfulness of a forbidden thing and a thing or an act which is not forbidden is by itself permitted.
Along with this principle, the "Honey Dew" people should also know that it is no argument for the unjustifiable of a thing that it is not deemed necessary or there is no written proof of it. The "Honey Dew" people have, in the previous pages, already seen my arguments derived from the Qur'aan and the Sunnat about celebrating Eid Meelaad un Nabi (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam).
Would the "Honey Dew" people tell me if there is any mention in the Qur'aan and the Sunnat that celebrating the Eid Meelaad un Nabi (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is a forbidden affair? If it is not there, and surely it is not there, then all I have to say to the "Honey Dew" people is that they should stop annoying Musalmaans by issuing unjustified and foolish Fataawa, and they should fear the torment which Almighty Al-Laah has prepared for those who are insolent to His beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam).
So far as the belief and preaching of the Ahle-Sunnah Wa Jama'at about celebrating the birth of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is concerned, I have been able to briefly present proofs about it. The command for rejoicing at receiving the grace and mercy from Al-Laah is clearly mentioned in the Qur'aan. Those who acknowledge the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi wa Sallam) as the greatest grace from Allah and a mercy unto the worlds, for them it is the guidance of Shari'ah and for them it is the Eid
day on the night of Meelaad and on the day of Meelaad, and they also celebrate 'Eid and will, Insha' AI-Laah, continue celebrating it. People at "Honey Dew" or all the Isma'ieli-Deobandi-Wahaabi Tablighis the world over may issue as many posters as they like, but they must listen to this announcement by us Ahle Sunnat:
Hashr Tak Daalen ge Ham peidaa'ishe Maula ki Dhoom
Misle Faaras Najd ke Qal'e Giraate Baa 'en Ge (Insha Al-Laah)
(We will celebrate the birth of our master till the Doomsday.
Like it happened in Persia, we will demolish the fortresses of Najd).
This servant of the Ahle Sunnat is confident and hopeful that all men of truth, men belonging to Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama'at, after being informed of the reality, will come to the defence of their Faith with greater keenness and will celebrate Eid-e-Meelaad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) with such great eclat and with such vastly enhanced salutation that the enemies of the Prophet may really feel deeply hurt. In other words, they should follow in the footsteps of this fundamental motto of the lover of the Prophet and Imaam of the Ahle Sunnat, A'laa Hazrat Maulana Shah Ahmad Raza Bareilvi (may Al-Laah have mercy on him):
Khaak Ho jaa 'en 'Udoo Jal Kar Magar Ham Tou Raza
Dam Me Jab Tak Dam He Zikr Unka Sunaate Jaa'en ge (lnsha Al-Laah),
(Enemies may feel frustrated but we will, O Raza Go on proclaiming him till there is one breath left in us.)
Wa Sallal Laahu Ta’ala 'Alaa Habeebihi Saiyyidina Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa Aalihi Wa As haabihi Wa Baaraka Wa Sallama Ajma'een.
(Wama Alaina Illal Balaagh)
Piet Retief, South Africa.
Kaukab Noorani Okarvi (Ghufira Lahu Wali Waalidaih)
30th Dec., 1989.
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