The deprivation from forgiveness and blessings of Allah:
A jealous desires the deprivation of favors for his Muslim brother and this is a symbol of hatred eventually leading to deprivation from forgiveness and blessings of Allah.
v Hazrat Aisha (May Allah be please with him) reported that Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s grace and peace be upon Him) said (meaning of which is): "Allah specially confers favors to people on 15th of Shahban (8th month of lunar calendar used by Muslims). Those who ask for forgiveness are forgiven and those who ask for blesings are blessed. And those who have hatred are neither forgiven nor blessed". (From the book of :Behaqi)
v The Holy companion (Sahabi) of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s grace and peace be upon Him), Abu Hureara (May Allah be please with him) reported that Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s grace and peace be upon Him) said (meaning of which is): "The deeds of people are present twice a week to Allah on Monday and Thursday (remember that Allah knows everything) every person (who seeks) is forgiven except those who have hatred with one another. In respect of them it is ordered that let them unattended till they restrain form it". (From the book of: Imam Ahmed)
Since only the jealous has the hatred and not the person of which he is jealous, the earlier one is only is deprived of blessings and forgiveness.
Prayers rejected:
v A renowned Muslim scholar Ab-ul-lais Samarkandi (May Allah be please with him) said: "There are three personalities whose prayers are not accepted by Allah; First one who uses the forbidden (haram), Second a back bitter, Third who has jealousy and malevolence in his heart in respect of his fellow Muslim brother".
Everlasting sorrows, unjustified troubles, regretful condition, displeasure of Allah and deprivation from grace of Allah:
v A renowned Muslim scholar Ab-ul-lais Samarkandi (May Allah be please with him) said: "nothing is more harmful and worst thing, because it leads jealous to five things:
Ø Everlasting sorrows
Ø Unjustified troubles
Ø Regretful and justified to be condemned condition
Ø Displeasure of Allah
Ø Deprivation from grace of Allah". (From the book: Tunbhi-ul-Gafeleen)
v A renowned Muslim scholar Ibn-e-Asmak (May Allah be please with him) said: "I never found an oppressor so much similar to the oppressed except a jealous, he is always sad, depressed and worried. (From the book: Durat-un-Nasheen)
v A renowned Muslim scholar Hatim-e-Ism (May Allah be please with him) said: "Malevolent can't be a faithful Muslim, a person curious to find the deficiency of others can't be a worshipper, tale teller can never be in peace and a jealous is deprived favors of Allah. (From the book: Minhaj-ul-Abeddeen)
Loss of wisdom:
v A renowned Muslim scholar Imam Ghazali (May Allah be please with him) said:" Due to jealousy the heart of the person becomes insensitive so much so that it is unable to understand the words (orders) of Allah. (From the book: Minhaj-ul-Abeddeen)
v A renowned Muslim scholar Sufian Suri (May Allah be please with him) said: " Don't be Jealous so that you are blessed of good understanding power (by Allah). (From the book: Durat-un-Nasheen)
Enemy of favors of Allah:
v The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s grace and peace be upon Him) once said (the meaning of which is): "Behold that there are some people who are the enemy of the favors of Allah". Some asked: "Oh! Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s grace and peace be upon Him), Who are they?" The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s grace and peace be upon Him) replied: "those who are jealous of the favors, of Allah, conferred on fellow Muslin brothers". (From the book: Athaaf-As-Saadah)
Involvement in sins:
v The Holy companion (Sahabi) of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s grace and peace be upon Him), Wahab bin Minba (May Allah be please with him) reported that Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s grace and peace be upon Him) said (meaning of which is): "There are three identifications of jealous: flattery, backbiting and pleases when others are in trouble". (From the book: Minhaj-ul-Abeddeen)
After being fully aware of the misery and calamity of the jealousy, every sensible man must immediately take serious steps to safeguard him from this sin, because death may cease him from enjoying this blessing. Remember that there is always a cause if one is involved in a sin. So if the person wants to get rid of the sin, he must first identify the cause that leads to the sin, because when there will be no cause than the sin will not be carried out. Jealousy is induced due to lack of knowledge and attention. So it is very necessary to know the real cause of this sin.
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