Roots of jealousy:

There are five things which give rise to the feelings of jealousy:

1.   Animosity

  1. Respect and fame
  2. Feelings of self inferiority
  3. Fear of losing comforts ad favors
  4. Fear of annihilation of objective
  5. Hereunder these roots are discussed

1) Animosity:

            When a person has animosity, it is natural that he likes the devolution and misery of his enemy. Similarly he also dislikes his enemy's wealth, fame, respect, beauty and even his happiness. Thus animosity gives rise to jealousy. Sometimes the person desires that the favors of Allah on his enemy be forfeited and sometimes, in addition to it, he also desires that all of those favors on his enemy be bestowed on him.

            Due to the same cause of animosity, all followers of other books than the Holy Quran were jealous of Muslims as mentioned in the Holy Quran: "Many of the people of the Book desired, had you been turned back towards infidelity after faith! Out of sheer envy of their hearts; after it that the truth has become manifest unto them, so leave them and overlook, till Allah brings His command. Undoubtedly Allah is powerful over every thing." Translation from: Kunz-ul-eman (Chapter-I Baqaraa, Verse-109)

            As an explanation of this verse, it is mentioned in "Khazain-il-Irfan" that after knowing that the Islam is true religion, the Jews wished that the Muslims be turned infidels and they lose their faith, this was an act of jealousy.

Note: -

v     Jealousy is forbidden (Haram)

v     If a person, with the help of his wealth or authority misleads and propagates mutilated religion, then to be safe from his acts, if the devolution of his wealth and fame is desired than it is not jealousy rather it is the third case of situation as defined in the definition section i.e. Wish of deprivation for 'just cause' .


            The example for this case can be found today in every street and house of our society. For example if a person has animosity with his relative than most of the time, despite of their relationship, he wishes that his relative is defamed in the family, his business and property are ruined, he loses his job, his beautiful face becomes ugly in an accident he becomes disabled, hi wealth is stolen, he is deprived of even a single penny and all of those things are acquired by him (the jealous) and he becomes famous, enjoys wealth and has all good food and necessities while his relative has even nothing to eat.

 2) Respect and fame:

            Sometimes respect and fame are also the reasons for giving rise to jealousy. A person attains respect and fame due to any reason like knowledge and deeds, wealth, beauty, speaking skills, intelligence, memory etc. So when a person is jealous of his Muslim brother, he actually wishes for the devolution of the reason for his respect and fame and desires to get that for him.


  1. Generally, due to the blessings of his knowledge Allah blesses a person with respect and fame. His name appears on posters and banners, people visit him to learn from the knowledge he possesses, several books are written by him, and several acknowledged to him, everyone praise him, he becomes famous also for following the Sunnah and other good deeds consistently. This makes other learned man jealous. They get very annoyed when people talk of that person's capabilities and acts, so they strongly desire that they commit a single mistake, which ruins their love and respect among the people. The people than respect and love him.
  2. Sometimes a student, due to his intelligence & memory, becomes famous in class, school or university and gets respect among teachers. This respect & Fame trouble some persons & due to jealousy they wish that some how his respect is doomed by his death or he loses his memory in an accident.
  3. Sometimes a person is naturally gifted with good speaking or recitation (of HolyQuran) power. Events are dependents on him. People come to the program in which he is coming. His audio cassettes are sold in large quantities. In the morning his recitation is played in several houses and at shops. When his arrival is being announced at a gathering, enthusiasm is involved into the people & they chant with slogans. At the end of event people praise him. All these things sometimes make other people jealous. These jealous people sometimes also include other speaker & reciter. Sometimes they wish for that person's death or pray for throat problems & even black magic is used and it is wished that his fame & respect is lost & we get famous & respected.
  4. Sometimes a person gains fame among people due to his beauty or good behavior. Due to his good habits people are anxious to meet him. People gather around him and praise him. And induce others to visit him. These things are also the cause of trouble for the people who don't possess them. The people, due to jealousy, then wish that he is defamed & people hate him, people condemn him instead of praising him. And all of his good traits come in to us.
  5. Sometimes also the fame & respect gained due to the possession of a position of authority is cause for jealousy, People like to invite person holding position of authority wish that their son or daughter is married in the house of that person. People flatter with that person to achieve their own goal. That person is also called upon to mark the opening ceremonies of different institutions & his photos are published in news papers. Then other people most of whom are his own relatives get jealous of him.
  6. Sometimes a person gets famous in his business circle due to his skill & experience in business. His investment is considered a guarantee of success. He is given a prominent seat in business meetings. His suggestions are given priority over others people quote his example for business success & follow his path to achieve success. This respect & fame is also the cause of trouble for some people. And due to jealousy they are just waiting for him to make a mistake leading him to a misfortune.
  7. Sometimes a person becomes renowned, for his good style of teaching, in educational circles praise of his teaching style are heard even far away Students are proud learn from him & get themselves respect due to their studentship. This respect & fame give rise to jealousy in the hearts of other teachers & consequently they desire for his destruction & deprivation.
  8. Sometimes an employee attains a due respect with his boss due to his punctuality, interest in his job, hardworking, obedience and minimum absences. Boss praise such person and give his example, to learn, to others who they want to condemn so other lazy and non-hard working people start planning to defame him in the eyes of boss, due to jealousy.

 3) Feeling of self-inferiority:

            Sometimes one sees other superior, in natural talents, skills and favors, then him. He tries his every effort to excel that other or at least equal him but he fails and starts feeling himself inferior. This inferiority complexion troubles him and ruins his piece of mind. Finally he finds only one solution to the problem that is somehow that other person dies, loses his position and talents, thus the feeling of inferiority leads him to jealousy.


  1. Some students are God gifted with special capabilities. They quickly understand the lesson taught by the teacher and due to strong memorize it. Also they are quick to reiterate it, thus achieving praising comments of the teacher. They achieve good score in exams as well and often students are seemed around them asking for help. Contrary to them there are students who can't learn their lessons even after efforts. They take much time just to memorize small points; as a result they lose confidence in exams and get failed. Also they have to hear unpleasant comments of teacher and other class fellows. Thus these things make them inferiority complex. They hate those capable students and their heart is filled with jealousy for them.
  2. Similarly, some people who recite Holy Quran recite, poetry of praise of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Allah grace Peace Be upon Him), lecturers possess special talents due to which they are very popular among people. People are anxious to invite them to their religious gatherings. People listen to their lecture and recitation with attention. People often take their autographs and kiss their hands with respect. While there are persons who don't possess such skills. People are not anxious to invite them. Audiences don't listen to them attentively and even some leave the hall. Due to all these factors such deprived persons get jealous and male valet.
  3. Some persons are gifted with natural beauty people like them due to their colour and complexion hairs and physique. Very often people praise them and so they appear distinct in public gatherings. People like to be their friends contrary to that there are people who are very fair in colour, complexion and physique and so they feel inferior. This inferiority complex is boosted when he is in a gathering and people are attracted to a person, who enters suddenly since he is beautiful. Thus less beautiful persons have feeling of inferiority ultimately leading him to jealousy.
  4. Poverty also plays its part in making people inferiority complex leading to jealousy when a poor man sees a person who is wealthy, due to which he holds a dominant position, people invite him to gatherings and people miss him when he does not attend the gathering, while the poor man don't get the desired attention in such gatherings. People even don't care whether they attend the party or not. When wealthy person gives an expensive present to other hand when the poor man gives an ordinary gift, it is not even considered. People are anxious to have their children married with wealthy person's children but this is not the case for poor. The poor man can't afford expensive education for his children and even basic necessities. While rich man's children study in expensive institutions and spend large amounts just on entertainment but the poor has even not enough money for his daily expenses. All the above situation makes the poor man inferiority complex. This feeling is provoked even more when his family members tease him with examples of rich man. Thus finally he is jealous of the rich person.