4) Fear that favour of Allah will be lost:
It is characteristic of human nature that he dislikes the loss of his favorite favour of Allah and prays that Allah always bestow him to enjoy it. Now in this situation if he fills that someone could be cause of feared loss, he becomes jealous.
The whole discussion of reasons of jealousy ends here. We know that jealousy is disastrous. So now the next step is to know the symptoms and indicators of jealousy.
As a result we can identify that whether jealousy lies in our heart. If we are infected of jealousy then we can treat and eliminate it.
Symptoms and Indicator of Jealousy: -
We can identify the following behavior and attitude symptoms in the personality of jealous due to jealousy
Discontinuation of salutation and greetings:
Since jealous hates the person from which he is jealous, so do not greet him with blessings a Muslim way called salam) Jealous avoids interaction with the person as much as possible and if by coincidence meets him just greets or smiles with out heart just for hidden selfish goals.
Benediction of curse:
The greatest wish of a jealous is the decline of comforts of the person from which he is jealous so he always for that.
Backbiting tell-tale and false accusations:
Since jealous desires that people don't respect or love the person of which he is jealous, he in order to make people hate him uses backbiting, tell-tale and false accusations. Some times he uses this methods openly or sometimes under a disguise as he is worried and honest of the persons of which he is jealous. When that person says something inappropriate, jealous projects it further and tells to a rival of him. And that rival when take revenge as a result causing personal or financial injury to him, the jealous gets happy and things it a commendable achievement.
Being happy on grief and vice versa:
One of the regretful habits a jealous has is to feel sorrow when the person of which he is jealous fells happy and vice versa. When the jealous sees the favours of Allah on that person and sees him living a happy life, he feels sad. But when the jealous sees that person on trouble and grief, he feels happy. Although sometimes due to his selfish goals the jealous tries as if he is sad too as that person.
To make fun of and thinking inferiors:
Although the jealous sees many more favours than him, of Allah, to the person of which he is jealous, he does not accept it. He tries to persuade him by various reasoning that he is better than that person and so he starts thinking that person inferior.
Further, the jealous desires that people also think that person inferior so to accomplish this he makes fun of that person on his clothing, speech, writing and other qualities. He does not like the person who respect and love the person, he is jealous of. Sometimes jealous even does not mind to call names on the person of which, he is jealous.
Restraining from help:
As the jealous happy when the person of which he is jealous is in trouble or sad, therefore he strongly desires that, that person is ruined by troubles and problems. One method of achieving this is that, when the person needs the jealousy's help, he although being capable, the declines to help and further he tries that others don't help him too. When the other person who wants to help that person, asks him for advice, the jealous gives him such advice which is deceptive and raises fears in his heart. For example a person asks someone for monetary help for medicines, business or marriage from another person asks a person, who is jealous of first person, for an advice than the jealous would say: "Oh Sure help him, but be careful, there are persons who when take loan do not return it." . This statement of the jealous makes the helping person doubtful and as a result he avoids helping the first person. Jealous considers this his great victory.
Harming and provoking others on opportunity:
Jealous is very distressed due to hatred of the person of which he is jealous. He thinks the person as the only reason of his distress and thus he keeps on searching for an opportunity to take revenge by getting that person into trouble. And sometimes when it is possible he provokes others to harm and cause loss to that person.
Avoiding appraisal:
Jealous extremely hates the person of which he is jealous. So he tries to pretend that he is not impresses by the capabilities of that person and he never praises the qualities of that person. Even when he sees someone else praising that person, he tries to change the topic of discussion or leaves the discussion or if the gathering is of his close friends than stops them explicitly.
I hope that after thoroughly discussing the indicators of jealousy you can easily identify the presence of jealousy in yourself. Further help can be obtained by answering these questions.
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