Mohammad Isaaq |
Dharwad, India |
Assalam-u-Alaikum, My hearty congratulations for bringing such a sunni informative website. May Allah T'aala guide us to the straight
path. A llahumma Ameen. |
Shaikh Maqsood |
Bombay, India |
Muhammad Aamer |
Multan, Pakistan |
Your site is very informative about Islam, I want to member in your TRUE ISLAM group. |
Shahzeem Qadri |
Hyderabad, Pakistan |
This is a great Islamic website. And fatwa section is my favorite service. Nice Islamic collection is available at this website. |
Tahir Shabbir |
Sialkot, Pakistan |
Assalam-u-Alaikum, Really a very good site to visit ,grate knowledge and material ,I download a lots. I am in Jeddah now a days and
doing Govt job in Consulate of Pakistan ,so i want such material for my knowledge ,Kindly update me hajj and Umrah knowledge ,Please
also tell me that all material
is related to which Fiqqa Like Ahle Sunat or ?
I will really Thankful to u. |
Tayyib Attari |
Dalian, China |
Assalam-u-Alaikum I am doing M.B.B.S in china here we Muslims get complete information about Islam by visiting your website infect it
is very good site. |
Muhammad Shafique Owaisi |
Lahore, Pakistan |
This is good site but Muslim is he who is considered Muslim by Non-Muslims and Momin is he who is considered Momin by Iblees.
Practicing Islamic Pillars is meaningless without Sound Belief (Emaan). First part of Emaan is true Love with Holy Prophet (SAW) and
His Ahle Bait Athaar (AS) as ordered by Almighty Allah in His Holy Quran. |
Dr.Rubina |
DG khan, Pakistan |
I have visited this website and i have learned alot. God will bless u all InshaAllah. |
Pz. Imaad affeef qadri |
Srinagar, India |
Asalamu-Alykum-Wa-rehmatullahi-wa-barakat.....i am accessing this site from last three years and i am too happy that my prayers are
granted by Allah as you are reaching great heights. Futwa section works amazingly...everything is authentic and more fine is that you
are giving book name, authors name, page no. etc....thats fine. Keep going on and on......please and please try to mingle whole umah
together and leave Fiqahi Masayil to scholars......Sheikh Saidi Rehmatullah said...TU BARAYE WASEL KARDEN AMADI....NAE BARAYE FASEL
KARDEN AMADI. I hope you will understand what i mean to say. May Allah bestow his endless mercies on all Muslims espcially on
Ahli-Sunat-Wal-Jamat....Ameen. May our scholars live long and may Allah save them from all calamities.natural or otherwise. May all
enemies get failed against us. I love you all and i alwayz need your support. |
This morning I've been searching for some Sunni website that had Quranic Urdu and English translation and I got to know about this
site. I'd like to appreciate the administrator and organizers of this website that they have set up such a nice web page for Muslim
brothers and sisters around the world. But it'll be very kind of you if you please improve the quality of Urdu text of Quranic
translation, as it is not very clear and easily readable and if you could provide your readers with English Tafseer also besides
English translation.
Happy Ramazan to all muslim brothers and sisters.
Thank you very much |
Syed Muhammad Sajjad |
Zhengzhou city, henan province, China |
I express all my heartily wishes to my brothers who initiated this site. although we are away from our home , we are in touch with our
religion ISLAM, my brothers have done an excellent work by invading this magnificient site. |
Imaad Affeef Qadri |
Srinagar, India |
I have no words to explain the benefits of this web site. It is authentic, it is amazing. It is a mirror of Ahli-Sunnat-wal-Jamaat. I
am Kashmiri boy and in Kashmir most of people use to learn from this web site. May Allah bestow you wid his blessings. Ameen |
Saud Ahtasham |
Islamabad, Pakistan |
This web is very good & great. I love & like it. It name is TRUE ISLAM, Yes it is true. ALLAH BLESS US. |
Islamabad, Pakistan |
This site is very helpful specially for those who did not known about Islam. |
Shahzad Rizwan Attari |
Lahore, Pakistan |
Meethe Meethe Islami Bhai-o N' Behno. As-Salam-O-Alaikum-Wa-Rehma-Tu-ALLAH-E-Wabaraka-Tohu. As-Salat-O-Wasalm-O-Alaika-Ya-Rasool
ALLAH. With the Karam of ALLAH and Rehmat of Meethe Meethe AAQA SAL-AL-LAHO-ALAI-HAI-WASALAM. I really impressed by the GREAT
acheivement of Real Sunni Muslims that they developed such a remarkable Website for really TRUE MUSLIMS (Means Sunni Muslims). My
Message for all viewers of this website that When they view this website read DAROOD-O-SALAM on AAQA-E-QAINAAT
SAL-AL-LAHO-ALAI-HAI-WASALAM N' Dua for those hidden great people who developed such website. ALLAH MAY MERCY on us in this world and
IN the GRAVES when we will alone INSHA ALLAH
Wasalam O alaikum Wa-Rehma-Tu-Allah. |
Mian Muhammad Shafique Owaisi |
Lahore, Pakistan |
This is a great website that provides quite useful information and knowledge about Islam. |
I am very happy to get this website I want all Muslims who r away form their country to visit this website and get peace of mind. |